
Kamis, 15 April 2010

AVG Rescue CD 9.0

VG Rescue CD 9.0
VG Rescue CD 9.0 | 69 MB

The AVG Rescue CD is a powerful must-have toolkit for the rescue and repair of infected machines. It provides essential utilities forsystem administrators and other IT professionals and includes the following features:

· Comprehensive administration toolkit
· System recovery from virus and spyware infections
· Suitable for recovering MS Windows and Linux operating systems (FAT32 and NTFS file systems)
· Ability to perform a clean boot from CD or USB stick
· Free support and service for paid license holders of any AVG product
· FAQ and Free Forum self-help support for AVG Free users

AVG Rescue CD is distributed as a bootable CD intended for OS recovery in such an event where the system cannot be loaded in the regular way - for example due to a substantial virus infection.

The AVG Rescue CD is essentially a portable version of AVG Anti-Virus supplied through Linux distribution. It can be used in the form of a bootable CD or bootable USB flash drive to recover your computer when the system cannot be loaded normally, such as after an extensive or deep-rooted virus infection. In short, the AVG Rescue CD enables you to fully remove infections from an otherwise inoperable PC and render the system bootable again.


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