
Rabu, 14 April 2010

QuarkXPress v8.16 Multilingual Incl. Keymaker-AGAiN

QuarkXPress v8.16 Multilingual Incl. Keymaker-AGAiN
QuarkXPress v8.16 Multilingual Incl. Keymaker-AGAiN
Inspired by the designer’s passion for perfection, QuarkXPress® 8 complements the way creative professionals work. Strive to do better and constantly improve — employ page-layout and design software developed to help get you there. Work faster and design more with fewer clicks using the modern, intuitive interface of QuarkXPress 8. Build on your existing expertise — share your print content across media with built-in Web and Flash® authoring tools. No additional purchase or coding required! Create stunning text and achieve the effects you want with designer-driven typography.

Release name: QuarkXPress.v8.16.Multilingual***cl.Keymaker-AGAiN
Size: 243.7 MB


Megashares / Hotfile / X7 | No password

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